For 13 years Indigenous Action has hosted No Thanks, No giving! as an anti-colonial event to bring together radical Indigenous voices, share traditional foods, and benefit unsheltered relatives at Táala Hooghan Infoshop in Kinlani (Flagstaff, AZ).

Due to Covid-19 we will host an online benefit to support unsheltered relatives and to uplift voices of Indigenous folx from throughout turtle island who have been doing front-line mutual aid organizing.
When: Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020
4pm – 7pm MST.
Traditional meal for unsheltered folx 12pm at Hooghan (and everywhere, organize one in your community!).
Where: Livestream via youtube will be available here:
Who: Indigenous Mutual Aid front-line organizers from throughout Turtle Island and musical guests TBA! Hosted by Indigenous Action, Kinlani Mutual Aid, Táala Hooghan Infoshop, and @indigenousmutualaid
Why: ’cause Thanksgiving is over. No more celebrations of genocide!
As of 2019, Indigenous Peoples account for approximately 1.5% of North America’s population, yet we make up more than 10% of the homeless population nationally.
We will also be serving traditional foods at Kinlani Mutual Aid and distributing warm gear before the event, we call everyone to action to do the same in your communities instead of celebrating genocide.
More info:
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